Shoresh Israel Fellowship

By engaging with multiple perspectives and challenging questions of identity, Shoresh Israel fellows will be empowered to lead communal discourse about Israel as a value, idea, and modern nation state of the Jewish people. Our fellowship program is rooted in four goals:

  1. REIMAGINE ZIONISM – Shoresh fellows will grapple with the meaning of various Zionist ideas and what they mean today. Every fellow will be challenged to develop their own Zionist narrative.
  2. ENGAGE COMPLEXITIES – Wrestling with complexity is integral to any educational process. Fellows come to autonomous choices, guided by their own meanings and values.
  3. UNITY NOT UNIFORMITY – We seek to build a “big tent” of fellows. While not uniform in their beliefs, politics or opinions, Shoresh fellows are united in their commitment to Israel as a cornerstone of Jewish life.
  4. EDUCATE TO LEAD – With renewed understandings, Shoresh fellows will be empowered to lead the “Israel conversation” in their communities.

How to Apply

The cost to participate is $50, registration deadline is January 30th- APPLY TODAY!

Led by Dr. Benji Davis (USY alum!), scholar of Israel education and professor of Israel Studies, fellows will have the opportunity to learn from expert guest speakers. The program is both social and interactive. Fellows will debate and discuss collectively as a cohort, in small groups, and in 1-on-1 Hevrutot. Multimedia learning will be integral to the experience. Fellows will work directly with Dr. Davis on a peula (program) or project they will lead or present at our Fellowship symposium. Fellows will be honored in their communities upon completion of the Fellowship. 

Our Schedule and Program Plan

Below is our schedule with each meeting’s topic, including when we will have guest speakers. Following the schedule, please see more information about our Fellowship leader Dr. Benji Davis. 


Sunday, February 2 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): Framing the Meaning of Israel and Its Relevance to Me

Sunday, February 9 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): An Indigenous Nation Returns Home – Is That My Story?

Sunday, February 16 (1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT): Why I’m a Zionist – Guest Speaker: Dr. Gil Troy, Zionist and American Historian 

Sunday, February 23 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): The Palestinian Perspective


Sunday, March 2 (1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM): My Palestinian Story – Guest Speaker: Nimala Kharoufeh, Activist and Coach from Bethlehem 

Sunday, March 9 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): The 48’ vs 67’ Paradigms 

Sunday, March 16 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): Narratives of Security vs. Justice

Sunday, March 23 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): Wait, but what about Iran?

Sunday, March 30 (1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT): Israel, the Global Jewish Community, and our post-October 7th Reality – Guest Speaker: Haviv Retig Gur, Senior Analyst, Times of Israel


Sunday, April 6 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT): Navigating the Israel Conversation Part I

Sunday, April 27 (7:30 PM ET/4:30 PM PT: Navigating the Israel Conversation Part II


Sunday, April 4 (1:00 PM ET/10:00 AM PT): Fellows Led Symposium – Keynote Speaker: Dr. Einat Wilf, Former Israeli MK for the Labor Party, Scholar and Author

Dr. Benji Davis is the Israel Institute Teaching and Research Fellow at George Mason University. An American-born Israeli educator, scholar, and speaker, Benji’s research is at the forefront of academic discourse on the philosophy and pedagogy of Israel education, particularly in its integration with the identity development of young Jews. In 2024, he was honored with the Network for Research in Jewish Education’s (NRJE) Harold Wechsler Award for Emerging Scholars. A proud alumnus of USY, Camp Ramah in California, and Solomon Schechter, Benji is a fellow at the Center for Jewish Peoplehood Education, a member of the Birthright Israel Education Committee, and consults, teaches, and develops content for leading organizations in Israel education. 

Benji holds a BA in Middle East Studies & History (Summa Cum Laude and Phi Beta Kappa) from George Washington University, an MA in Jewish Education from Hebrew University, and a PhD in Education from the University of Haifa. Benji recently relocated from Jerusalem to the Washington, DC area for a postdoctoral fellowship, accompanied by his wife, Rachel, and their three daughters, Maia, Ella, and Lia.