Editors’ Note: Up in the great white north lies a land where maple syrup runs amuck and apologies are basically social handouts. Canadian stereotypes aside, ECRUSY has long been USY’s only region entirely in Canada. You would know this if you’ve ever talked to anyone from their region, they wear it like a badge. ECRUSY is not the biggest region, but they embrace their small size and make it one of their greatest strengths. ECRUSY’s Sari Weinroth tells us about how the small size of her region has made the relationships she’s made as strong as a Canadian moose.
Although ECRUSY is geographically large, our region is fairly small. Having few members can be seen as a bad thing, but if you ask me, that’s part of why our region is so special. I can confidently say that having a small region has made us all so close, and has helped me bond with every single person at conventions in a way that wouldn’t be possible with a massive group of people. I’ve had so many experiences and memories that make me so thankful to have my tightly knit ECRUSY family, and I wouldn’t trade them for anything.
This past year at ECRUSY Mid-Winter Convention, I realized for the first time how lucky I was to be part of such a close region. On the last night of convention, every one of us piled into the corner of the room and while we were lying on top of each other, we started to sing sloach songs and take in our last night with our friends. While I was sitting there with my entire region piled on top of me, singing our hearts out, I knew I was part of something special. ECRUSY is a community that truly feels like a family.
A few months later, I hopped off the bus at Camp Kennebec, excited for Spring Convention. I was surprised when I walked into my cabin and saw that there were five new members who were at a convention for the first time. I was so excited since I was so used to always being with the same people in our small region. That afternoon, we all spent time getting to know them and bringing them into our little family. I spent that night with them and the other six members of our cabin bonding and telling stories. By the end of the weekend, I had completely forgotten that they were new members, as they were welcomed into our family. Now, I can’t imagine my region without them.
Even though having lots of members and a big region is tons of fun, ECRUSY’s small and close region is so amazing, and is a big part of why ECRUSY is so special to all of us. I know that as our region grows, we will never lose our friendships, and I’m beyond excited to welcome more people into the family!
Sari Weinroth is a sophomore from Eastern Canada Region USY (ECRUSY). She is a proud member of Beth David USY (BDUSY) in Toronto, ON, and is currently serving as regional Communications Vice President.