LEAP Grants

We are excited to announce the next round for our USY and Gesher chapters, USY LEAP (Local Engagement and Partnership). USY LEAP is a program meant to encourage groundbreaking programming and innovation in the local USY chapter. The ultimate goal is to support the chapter in the ability to reach out to more teens and engage them on the chapter level. We strongly encourage multi-chapter programs when able.  

Past recipients have used their funds to reduce costs for an interchapter program, off-site programs (a visit to Ellis Island), and additional staff support to do outreach to potential members.


  • Chapters must be part of USCJ-affiliated kehillot

  • Chapters must be in good standing (meaning USY/Gesher membership dues for the current year are paid along with the submission of your membership roster)

  • Grants will be awarded for ongoing initiatives, one time programs, or USY/Gesher staff support

  • Grant awards must be completely used by end of the USCJ fiscal year.

  • Priority will be given to applicants who can also provide some of their own resources

  • Priority will be given to applications with the highest expected engagement impact

The Grant Process

  • Fall Applications Coming Soon. We will notify you of your status within 30 days of the deadline

  • Chapters can apply for grants up to $1,500 for the 2024-2025 program year

  • All applications must include a detailed budget

  • Grant awards for programs and initiatives will be given as reimbursements or direct invoice payments. Awards for staff support will be paid out over two payments during the year

  • Recipients are required to provide a report and evaluation of the program before final reimbursement can be released

Previous Programs

We used the grant for an ongoing initiative. We had three chapter programs that focused on Jewish identity, new perspectives of traditions, and finding the beauty in nature. The grant initiative that addresses our programs was met in part through our Box in a Box program, which prompted our youth to think deeply about what they value most about their Jewish identities. The chocolate seder offered a fun and new way to think about Passover traditions. Finally, the nature hike leader used cooperative learning and an activity sheet, custom tailored to our group, to keep the children engaged, enjoy nature, and to exercise and socialize.
USY Tea and Torah! Our teen-centered program aims to provide meaningful social and educational content for teenagers on Shabbat mornings. This program brings together our existing teen population for socializing and learning on Shabbat morning. It provides an opportunity for teens to connect with their peers, as well as with adult mentors in an informal, Shabbat focused environment.