Chapter Finder

Chapter Finder

USY is built upon its strong foundation of chapters across North America. Our USCJ-affiliated congregations host our chapters and provide them with professional staff to help train our teens to be the next generation of Jewish leaders. Find a chapter near you below!

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Beth ShalomEdmontonAB


Beth ElBirminghamAL


Anshei Israel TusconAZ
Beth El PhoenixAZ
Beth Sholom ChandlerAZ
Or Tzion ScottsdaleAZ

British Columbia

Beth TikvahRichmondBC
Beth IsraelVancouverBC


Adat Shalom Los AngelesCA
B’nai Israel TustinCA
Beth Am Los AngelesCA
Beth Am San DiegoCA
Beth El of South Orange County Aliso ViejoCA
Beth El La JollaCA
Beth Shalom CoronaCA
Beth Shalom Long BeachCA
Beth Shalom Santa ClaritaCA
Burbank Temple Emanu El BurbankCA
Etz Chaim Thousand OaksCA
Kehillat Maarav Santa MonicaCA
Ner Tamid Palos VerdesCA
Ohr Shalom Synagogue San DiegoCA
Pasadena Temple PasadenaCA
Ramat Zion NorthridgeCA
Sinai Temple WestwoodCA
HAMAKOM Woodland HillsCA
Tifereth Israel San DiegoCA
Valley Beth Shalom EncinoCA
Ner Tamid PowayCA
Temple B’nai Hayim Sherman OaksCA
Beth ShalomModestoCA
Kol ShofarTiburonCA
Kol EmethPalo AltoCA
Peninsula Sinai CongregationFoster CityCA
Beth DavidSaratogaCA
Beth AmiSanta RosaCA
Beth SholomSan FranciscoCA
Congregation SinaiSan JoseCA
Mosaic Law CongregationSacramentoCA


Rodef ShalomDenverCO
Bonai Shalom BoulderCO
Hebrew Educational Alliance DenverCO


Beth El Temple/Temple EmanuelWest HartfordCT
Beth El Temple/Temple EmanuelOrangeCT
BEKI New HavenCT
Beth ElFairfieldCT
Beth ShalomHamdenCT
Beth Shalom B’nai IsraelManchesterCT
Bnai Abraham/Adath IsraelMiddletownCT
The Conservative SynagogueWestportCT
Torat YisraelEast GreenwichCT
Beth El NorwalkCT

District of Columbia (DC)

Adas IsraelWashingtonDC
Tifereth IsraelWashingtonDC


B’nai AvivWestonFL
Temple Emanu-ElPalm BeachFL
Bet ShiraMiamiFL
B’nai TorahBoca RatonFL
Beth Torah Benny Rok CampusMiamiFL
Congregation Shaarei KodeshBoca RatonFL
Temple Beth DavidPalm Beach GardensFL
Temple Beth Torah Sha’arey TzedekTamaracFL
Temple Torah Emet Boynton BeachFL
Temple Sinai HollywoodFL
Temple Beth El West Palm BeachFL
Beth ShalomClearwaterFL
Ohev ShalomMaitlandFL
B’nai Israel Jewish CenterGainesvilleFL
Jacksonville Jewish CenterJacksonvilleFL
Kol AmiTampaFL
Southwest Orlando Jewish CenterOrlandoFL
B’nai IsraelSt PetersburgFL
Beth SholomSarasotaFL
Rodeph SholomTampaFL
Temple IsraelWinter SpringsFL


Ahavath AchimAtlantaGA
Shearith IsraelAtlantaGA
B’nai TorahAtlantaGA
Beth ShalomDunwoodyGA
Sha’arey IsraelMaconGA
Etz ChaimMariettaGA


Agudas AchimCoralvilleIA
Tifereth IsraelDes MoinesIA


Am YisraelNorthfieldIL
North Suburban Synagogue Beth ElHighland ParkIL
Beth Hillel Congregation Bnai EmunahWilmetteIL
Beth JudeaLong GroveIL
Bnai TikvahDeerfieldIL
Beth ShalomNorthbrookIL
Anshe EmetChicagoIL
West Suburban Temple Har ZionRiver ForestIL


Beth ShalomOverland ParkKS


Ohavay Zion SynagogueLexingtonKY


Shir ChadashMetaireLA


Beth ShalomFraminghamMA
Temple EmunahLexingtonMA
Temple IsraelNatickMA
Temple AliyahNeedhamMA
Tifereth IsraelNew BedfornMA
Temple EmanuelNewton CentreMA
Temple ReyimAuburndaleMA
Temple IsraelSharonMA
South Area (Randolph/Canton, Stoughton, and Easton)CantonMA
South Area (Randolph/Canton, Stoughton, and Easton)StoughtonMA
South Area (Randolph/Canton, Stoughton, and Easton)South EastonMA
Beth IsraelWorcesterMA
Cong. B’nai IsraelNorthamptonMA
Temple Beth ElSpringfieldMA
Congregation K’nesset IsraelPittsfieldMA
Temple ShalomMedfordMA


Etz ChayimWinnipegMB


Beth AmBaltimoreMD
Beth El BlatimoreMD
Beth El BethesdaMD
Beth IsraelOwings MillsMD
Beth Israel SalisburyMD
Beth Shalom ColumbiaMD
Beth Sholom FrederickMD
B’nai IsraelRockvilleMD
B’nai Shalom OlneyMD
B’nai TzedekPotomacMD
Chevrei TzedekBaltimoreMD
Chizuk AmunoPikesvilleMD
Har ShalomPotomacMD
Har Tzeon-Agudath AchimWheatonMD
Kehilat ShalomGaithersburgMD
Kol Shalom – AnnapolisAnnapolisMD
Ohr KodeshChevy ChaseMD
Shaare TefilaOlneyMD
Shaare TorahGaithersburgMD
Tikvat IsraelRockvilleMD


Ahavas IsraelGrand RapidsMI
Shaarey Zedek, Congregation Beth Ahm, Congregation Bnai Moshe, B’nai Israel      SouthfieldMI
Shaarey Zedek, Congregation Beth Ahm, Congregation Bnai Moshe, B’nai Israel     West BloomfieldMI
Shaarey Zedek, Congregation Beth Ahm, Congregation Bnai Moshe, B’nai Israel     West BloomfieldMI
Shaarey Zedek, Congregation Beth Ahm, Congregation Bnai Moshe, B’nai Israel    Oak ParkMI


Adath JeshurunMinnetonkaMN
Beth ElSt Louis ParkMN
Beth JacobSt PaulMN
Temple of AaronSt PaulMN


Bnai AmoonaCreve CoeurMO
Kol RinahSt LouisMO

North Carolina

 Beth DavidGreensboroNC
Temple IsraelCharlotteNC
Beth ElDurhamNC
Beth MeyerRaleighNC


Beth ElOmahaNE

New Hampshire

Temple IsraelManchesterNH
Temple IsraelPortsmouthNH

New Jersey

Temple Beth AhmAberdeenNJ
Temple Beth OrBrick TownshipNJ
Temple SholomBridgewaterNJ
Congregation Agudath IsraelCaldwellNJ
Beth OrClarkNJ
Temple Emanu-ElClosterNJ
Beth El/Mekor ChayimCrandordNJ
East Brunswick Jewish CenterEast BrunswickNJ
Beth El SynagogueEast WindsorNJ
Kol HaneshamaEnglewoodNJ
Jewish CenterFair LawnNJ
Beth ShalomFair LawnNJ
Conservative TempleHighland ParkNJ
United Synagogue of HobokenHobokenNJ
Beth ShalomLivingstonNJ
Congregation Ohev Shalom / Marlboro Jewish CenterMarlboroNJ
Neve ShalomMetuchenNJ
B’nai IsraelMillburnNJ
Shomrei EmunahMontclairNJ
Adath ShalomMorris PlainsNJ
Morristown Jewish Center / Beit YisraelMorristownNJ
 B’nai TikvahNorth BrunswickNJ
Torat ElOakhurstNJ
Jewish Community Center of ParamusParamusNJ
Pine Brook Jewish CenterMontvilleNJ
Temple Israel Ridgewood, Fair Lawn Jewish Center, Fair Lawn BethShalom, JCC of Paramus RidgewoodNJ
White Meadow TempleRockawayNJ
B’nai IsraelRumsonNJ
Congregation Beth IsraelScotch PlainsNJ
Beth ElSouth OrangeNJ
Oheb ShalomSouth OrangeNJ
Beth Ahm YisraelSpringfieldNJ
Beth ShalomTeaneckNJ
B’nai Israel, Temple Beth OrToms RiverNJ
Shomrei TorahWayneNJ
B’nai ShalomWest OrangeNJ
Glen Rock Jewish CenterGlen RockNJ

Nova Scotia

Shaar ShalomHalifaxNS


Beth Sholom Las VegasNV
Midbar Kodesh HendersonNV
Temple Emanu-ElRenoNV

New York

Congregation B’nai JeshurunStaten IslandNY
Ansche ChesedNew YorkNY
Congregation Beth OhrBellmoreNY
Bet Torah Mt KiscoMt KiscoNY
Beth El New RochelleNew RochelleNY
Congregation HabonimNew YorkNY
Congregation Or ZaruaNew YorkNY
Dix Hills JCDix HillsNY
East Meadow Beth-El Jewish CenterEast MeadowNY
East Northport JCEast NorthportNY
Etz Chaim (HERJC)East RockawayNY
Forest Hills JCForest HillsNY
Greenburgh H CDobbs FerryNY
Hollis Hills Bayside JC, Hillcrest JC., ICCJOakland GardensNY
Hollis Hills Bayside JC, Hillcrest JC., ICCJQueensNY
Hollis Hills Bayside JC, Hillcrest JC., ICCJFlushingNY
Huntington Jewish CenterHuntingtonNY
JCC of HarrisonHarrisonNY
Kane St SynagogueBrooklynNY
Lake Success Jewish CenterGreat NeckNY
Little Neck Jewish CenterFlushingNY
Manetto Hill J CPlainviewNY
Merrick JCMerrickNY
Midway Jewish CenterSyossetNY
Monroe Woodbury JCC/Etz ChaimMonroeNY
Shir ShalomNew CityNY
New City J CNew CityNY
North Shore J CJefferson StationNY
Oceanside J COceansideNY
Orangetown Jewish CenterOrangeburgNY
Park Avenue SynagogueNew YorkNY
Park Slope Jewish CenterBrooklynNY
Plainview JCPlainviewNY
Shaarei Tikvah ScarsdaleScarsdaleNY
Sons of Israel-BriarcliffBriarcliff ManorNY
Mellville Jewish Center (South Huntington JC)MelvilleNY
Sutton Place SynagogueNew YorkNY
TBS Roslyn Shelter Rock JCRoslyn HeightsNY
TBS Roslyn Shelter Rock JCRoslynNY
Temple Beth Shalom MahopacMahopacNY
Temple Israel Great NeckGreat NeckNY
TIC White PlainsWhite PlainsNY
Town & VillageNew YorkNY
Westchester JCMamaroneckNY
Woodbury Jewish CenterWoodburyNY
Temple Sholom of FlatbushBrooklynNY
Temple Beth Chai HauppaugeHauppaugeNY
Temple Sinai, MiddletownMiddletownNY
Conservative Synagogue Adath IsraelBronxNY
Flatbush Jewish CenterBrooklynNY
Congregation Tifereth IsraelGlen CoveNY
Temple Beth Israel – Port WashingtonPort WashingtonNY
Old Westbury Hebrew CongregationOld WestburyNY
Jericho Jewish CenterJerichoNY
Congregation Beth Sholom-Chevra ShasJamesvilleNY
Temple Beth TzedekWilliamsvilleNY
 Ohav Shalom and Temple IsraelAlbanyNY
Ohav ShalomAlbanyNY
Temple Adath YeshurunSyracuseNY
Temple Beth ElIthacaNY
Temple Beth ElRochesterNY
Agudat AchimSchenectadyNY
Temple Beth ElPoughkeepsieNY


Adath Israel CongregationCincinnatiOH
Congregation B’nai IsraelSylvaniaOH
B’nai Jeshurun CongregationClevelandOH
Congregation Tifereth IsraelColumbusOH
Congregation Ohav ShalomCincinnatiOH
The Park SynagogueCleveland HeightsOH
Congregation Shaarey TikvahBeachwoodOH
Beth Abraham SynagogueMoraineOH
Beth ElAkronOH


Emanuel SynagogueOklahoma CityOK


Beth Tzedec CongregationYorkON
Beit Rayim SynagogueMapleON
Beth Jacob SynagogueHamiltonON
Congregation Or ShalomLondonON
Kehillat Beth IsraelOttawaON
Beth David B’nai Israel Beth AmTorontoON
Beth Israel CongregationKingstonON
Beth TorahNorth YorkON


Neveh ShalomPortlandOR
Shaarie TorahPortlandOR


Beth El CongregationPittsburghPA
Beth Shalom CongregationPittsburghPA


Shaare ZionMontrealQC

Rhode Island

Temple EmanuelProvidenceRI

South Carolina

Synagogue Emanu-ElCharlestonSC
Beth Shalom ColumbiaSC
Bayt ShalomGreenvilleSC


B’nai ZionChattanoogaTN
Beth SholomMemphisTN
West End SynagogueNashvilleTN


Agudas Achim AustinAustinTX
Anshai TorahPlanoTX
Brith ShalomBellaireTX
Shaar HaShalomHoustonTX
Ahavath SholomFort WorthTX
Beth YeshurunHoustonTX
Or AmiHoustonTX
Beth TorahRichardsonTX
Agudas Achim San AntonioTX
Shearith IsraelDallasTX
Nishmat AmPlanoTX


Agudas AchimAlexandriaVA
Atz Chaim Virginia BeachVA
Beth El RichmondVA
Beth EmethHerndonVA
Beth Israel RoanokeVA
Etz Hayim ArlingtonVA
Olam TikvahFairfaxVA
Or AtidRichmondVA
Sha’are ShalomLeesburgVA


Herzl Ner TamidMercer IslandWA
Beth ShalomSeattleWA
Beth ShalomSpokaneWA


Beth Israel Center of MadisonMadisonWI
Beth Israel Ner TamidMilwaukeeWI