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By Joshua Bienstock Last week I wrote a post about how to be a positive role model. Setting a positive example is important as a board member, but there’s more you can do to be a good leader. Validate everyone. Watch this video! It sheds light on the power of validation in our society and Continue Reading »
By Aviya Cammy This week’s parasha, parashat Lech Lecha, is the beginning of Avraham’s journey as the father of “a multitude of nations”– starting early on before his name was even Avraham! Despite the many famous and important scenes throughout the parasha, the first pasuk (verse or sentence) is what caught my attention the most. It reads: Continue Reading »
By Ilan Rotberg This week’s parasha, parashat Noach, is one of the better known stories in the Torah. God decides that he needs to destroy the world with a huge flood because he feels everyone on the face of the earth is perpetrating gross violence and filthy corruption. However; God finds one righteous man among Continue Reading »
By Joshua Bienstock On a USY board one is automatically given a title. With this title comes the responsibility of acting as a role model, but the choices you make are up to you. Understand your power. People in your chapter, division or region will look up to you. You can choose to waste this Continue Reading »
By Eli Rubineau Let’s start at the very beginning, A very good place to start. – The Sound of Music This week’s parsha (the section of the Torah read in synagogue this week) is the first in Torah portion in the first book of the Torah, Bereshit. To start out, just a quick overview. The Continue Reading »
From the same people that brought you Takshivu, the USY Israel Affairs International General Board (IA IGB) is proud to present our newest project, Yotzrim B’Yahad (creating together)!
Last week we announced that we were giving away a USY Summer Experience Prize Pack! We are excited to announce the winners: Nina Robins & Pardes Lyons-Warren Below read their favorite #myUSYsummer memories and make your own memories this summer. Begin your adventure at! Check out their prize here:
By Erielle Warshowsky [When] my Pilgrimage group visited the Kotel, [it] was a very powerful experience. With all of the negativity regarding Western Wall politics right now, I was extremely surprised to leave feeling empowered. The girls of my group created a protective circle and we each had the chance to wear tallit (prayer shawl) and say Continue Reading »
Check out episode 6 of our Israel video series, Takshivu (listen up), made by USYers for USYers, about Israeli culture, history, technology, geography, cuisine, and more.
Dear USY leaders and staff, For the past nine months, it has been my honor and privilege to serve as the president of this powerful movement. I have met so many passionate teens, all of whom desire to build a better world. I am so proud of the work that we’ve accomplished so far, not Continue Reading »