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By Zachary Zabib, International President #myUSYsummer was definitely one to remember. After going on Israel Pilgrimage/Poland Seminar G4 in 2016, this summer I returned to Israel with USY. I was able to witness Pilgrimage groups explore caves, tend to nature, raft down rivers and spend Shabbat together, just as I had done as a participant. Continue Reading »
By Robin Gilman My son Sam is on a journey of a lifetime on USY’s Eastern Europe/Israel Pilgrimage trip. His trip takes him and his fellow pilgrims from Prague to Berlin, to Poland and then to Israel, visiting the very places that make the need for the State of Israel so important. Two months prior Continue Reading »
By Zachary Zabib, International President One of my main goals this year is to keep you informed on all the things USY and ensure the International Executive Board is transparent. This is your chance to see all the hard work your elected leaders have been doing and offer feedback. In the past few months since Continue Reading »
By Zack Zabib, USY International President Normally people from New England and New York don’t get along well. Whether it’s Yankees versus Red Sox fans, or Giants versus Patriots fans, there’s some bitter history between our two regions. Luckily for me, that was not the case when I had the opportunity to visit the Hanefesh/NERUSY Continue Reading »
Hey USY! My name is Leah Miller, and I’m USY’s blog coordinator. I’m a junior from Hagalil, and I love singing when no one’s home, long naps, and movie theater popcorn! Since it is May, we’re solidly in election season. It can be a tense time of year, whether you’re running, voting, or even just Continue Reading »
In this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Shemini, we learn about the two sons of Aaron the High Priest, Nadav and Avihu. Jayme Podgorowiez from HaNegev USY tells their story and links the lessons this parsha teaches to our daily lives.
By Lucas Stein USY summer travel was an amazing experience, and I wanted to keep in touch with everyone I’d met and made close friendships with. Now that may seem like a daunting task at first trying to keep in touch with 30 or some odd people. However, if you do it properly it’s really Continue Reading »
By Aaron Schwartz USY International Israel Affairs VP 2017-2018 In 1948 a group of people with a dream and an ambition for autonomy sought to create a homeland. A little sliver of land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan River, rich with history and heritage, was about to become the homeland for the Jewish Continue Reading »
This past weekend, on March 24, nearly 1,000 USYers across the country made their voices heard for what they believe in and participated in March for Our Lives. Seizing the singular social action/tikun olam moment of their generation, they took to the streets to demand change. Read their reflections on the march below. [Please note: All Continue Reading »
By Zach Zabib, International President Awed. Inspired. Empowered. Hopeful. These are some of the words that came to mind after spending this last Shabbat with USY at March for Our Lives. I am in awe that I stood with a group of almost two hundred USYers in a crowd of over 800,000 people on Continue Reading »