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Editor’s Note: As the end of the year approaches, so does the end of USY career’s of members of the class of 2019. The seniors, looking back on their past 4 (or 7, or more) years in USY, have gained many valuable lessons from throughout their time in USY. Read HaNegev USYer Alissa Chernin’s reflection Continue Reading »
Editor’s Note: In each article of our continuing series of reflections on USY from outgoing seniors, we try to look at USY from a slightly different perspective. In this installment, CHUSY’s Maddie Brim talks about her USY experience, and how she made sure her USY experience wasn’t defined by her leadership titles. On the outside, Continue Reading »
Editor’s Note: Our next stop on the Achshav Regional Spotlight tour is the region home to the current International Chapter of the Year, the “soul of USY”, Hanefesh USY. Before their exciting merge with NERUSY, sophomore Sam Zuckerman tells us why being in a small region makes his USY experience so much more valuable. To Continue Reading »
By Samantha Brody, USY 2019 International Israel Affairs Vice President What does Israel mean to me? Well, where do I start? I could write about how Israel is our historical homeland and that our people’s roots there go back thousands of years. Last year was “Israel at 70,” a year that reflected the incredible transformation Continue Reading »
Editor’s Note: Over the next couple of days, we prepare to mourn fallen Israeli soldiers and celebrate the existence of the state of Israel. Emtza USYer, Levi Rose, writes about what he experienced when he spent part of his sophomore year on Tichon Ramah Yerushalayim and how he felt transitioning between Yom HaZikaron and Yom Continue Reading »
Editor’s Note: Our next stop on our journey to every region in USY brings us to the Northeastern United States, where sports teams win championships constantly and Boston accents run wild. I’m talking about NERUSY, of course. Like any region, NERUSY has its fair share of traditions. In this blog post, NERUSY junior Sam Bloch Continue Reading »
Editor’s Note: As the 2018-2019 programming year comes to a close, graduating seniors reflect on their USY experience. Nina Robins, a proud alumna of Hagalil, writes about how USY has impacted her life throughout her travels to Israel and other incredible places. She also writes about the friends she has made and how she is Continue Reading »
Many regions had their last convention of the year during the month of April. Check out our latest blog post to learn more about what happened at each one!
This year, Achshav is reaching across all parts of North America to find out what makes each region special. Check out this article to learn about one of Far West’s favorite traditions: Far West Mincha!
The Religion/Education International General Board is REL/EDiculously excited to showcase more family traditions! For Passover, USYers from across North America talked about their traditions!