In true USY icebreaker fashion- what’s your name, grade, chapter, region, and favorite kitchen utensil?
My name is Zack Wolfman and I am a senior from the SHUSY chapter in METNY USY. My favorite kitchen utensil is a hard choice but I think I’d have to go with the the Hutzler 571 Banana Slicer.
What is your favorite moment from your USY experience?
Last year at regional fall kinnus my friend and I took it upon ourselves to not sit with anyone in our grade or “friend group” during meals. Instead we went every meal and sat at a table with freshmen we never met before. This led to plenty of new conversations and friendships that we wouldn’t have made otherwise. The people we met by putting ourselves out there are still some of our closest friends today. People often like to stay in the comfort of their friends group but I encourage everyone to branch out and meet new people because you never know if that new person may turn out to be your best friend in the future.
Why did you choose to pursue your position on International Executive Board?
I chose to pursue the position of International Communications VP because of all of my experiences throughout USY. USY has given me so much and I want help make sure every single person has the opportunity to experience everything that I have.
What do you want to achieve this year as USY’s International Communications Vice President?
The general perception of Communications VPs is that they just post on social media and make flyers, but it’s so much more. While on International Board, I hope to prove that being a Comm is more than this. This year I want to help build connections between USYers across the country. While doing so, I want to make sure every USYer has access to the resources they need to be a leader.
The advice you would give to a freshman just starting out in USY is:
Take advantage of every opportunity you can. Your time in USY will go by in a flash. Stay involved, stay active, and have fun.
Tell us your six-word USY memoir:
Making memories, having fun, learning lessons.
If you could have International Convention happen anywhere – where would it be?
If I could have International Convention anywhere, I think it would be pretty cool if we had it Alaska. It could be cool (haha get it) and we can chill with some polar bears. We could also do some cool community service, such as logging, poison ivy identifying, and wild animal grooming. This would be one the most chill (haha) International Conventions.
What does USY mean to you?
To me, USY is a place where I can be with myself and with the people I love. USY is a place that has taught me lessons that you can’t learn in school about friendship, leadership, and so much more. USY is where I go to meet new people and come home with new memories.