By Rachel Bloom
Growing up going to Hebrew School and temple everyone learns about the Jewish people’s “homeland”, Israel. Ever since I can remember I have wanted to get closer to my roots and visit that special place I’ve learned so much about. That’s why I chose USY Israel Pilgrimage.
Everyone says there’s a moment when it hits you that you’re really in Israel. My moment came when [we] were driving from Tzfat to Jerusalem. As we entered the city our tour guide got on the microphone, said “Welcome home everybody,” and turned on Matisyahu’s “Jerusalem.”
It was at this moment that I completely lost it. Tears of joy [streamed] down my face and a chill ran through my body as I looked around at my amazing group and the beautiful city I had dreamed about it for so long. I finally made it “home” and [in that moment] couldn’t [have] been any happier.