#ICBmore15 Daily Update | December 30

The morning began with creative services, where USYers chose from an array of unique approaches to prayer including yoga, improv, Broadway Shaharit, and more. Each minyan incorporated a different, hands-on approach, making the services more relevant and exciting for our teens.
The day’s big event was the election of USY’s International Executive Board. We are pleased to announce the 2016 officers:

- President: Ethan Feuer (METNY)
- Israel Affairs VP: Daniela Rojzman (HaNegev)
- Religious/Education VP: Cara Kupferman (METNY)
- Social Action/Tikun Olam VP: Hannah Weiss (HaNegev)
- Membership/ Kadima VP: Eric Wertheim (METNY)
- Communications VP: Louis Popkin (Seaboard)
Congratulations to all of them. We’d also like to thank and recognize the outgoing board for their commitment and hard work over the past year:

- President: Hailee Grey (HaNegev)
- Israel Affairs VP: Eli Krule (CHUSY)
- Religious/Education VP: Micah Cowan (Seaboard)
- Social Action/Tikun Olam VP: Jamie Halper (EMTZA)
- Membership/ Kadima VP: Marisa Lefton (HaNegev)
- Communications VP: Eduardo Madero (SWUSY)
USY also presented awards to several chapters and regions for their accomplishments over the past year:
- International Chapter of the Year: Congregation B’nai Amoona (BAUSY) of St. Louis, MO
- Excellence in Communications- Anshe Emet Synagogue’s SHMUSY, Chicago, IL
- Excellence in Membership/Kadima Performance- City-wide chapter, Motor City USY, Detriot, MI
- Excellence in Israel & Overall Programming – Congregation B’nai Amoona’s BAUSY, St. Louis, MO
- Excellence in Religion/Education – Congregation Ohev Shalom, Wallingford, PA
- Excellence in Social Action/Tikun Olam- Congregation Etz Chaim’s Sabababa USY, Marietta, GA
- Largest Regional Contribution to Tikun Olam: Hagalil (New Jersey)
- Largest Region Contribution to Tikun Olam Per Capita: CHUSY (Chicago area)
- Largest Chapter Contribution to Tikun Olam: North Surburban Synagogue, Highland Park, IL
- Largest Regional USY Membership Increase: New Frontier (Northern California)
- Largest Regional Kadima Membership Increase: NERUSY (Greater Boston area)
- Largest Chapter Kadima Membership Increase: NERUSY (Greater Boston area)
- Region with the Highest Number of Summer Program Participants:METNY
- Chapter with the Highest Number of Summer Program Participants: Beth El BERUSY, St Louis Park, MN, Emtza
- Israel Challenge Winner: 1st Place- Hagalil; 2nd Place- CHUSY; 3rd Place- Far West
- Region with the Highest Number of Participants in SATO Week Challenges: HaNegev
- SATO Challenge Winner: September- HaNegev, October- Hagalil
- Region with the Highest Participation in Project #Heschtag: CHUSY
The day concluded with a special concert from Israeli group Hatikva 6, who kept the USYers dancing late into the evening!
The convention is beginning to wind down, but celebrations here are not coming to an end. There’s lots more to look forward to tomorrow with more singing, speakers, and smiles. Until then, laila tov from #ICBmore15.

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